Good corporate governance forms an integral part in which our business operates, for this reason we are solemn in ensuring and encouraging good governance and ethics within in our business. Sound governance structures are adhered to and we make an effort to ensure that our governance practices are up to date. Our governance structures provide mechanisms for the assessments and effective management of our operations, personnel and risks. Enoo Mutaku’s strategy to efficiently and effectively deliver products from production to market is focused on innovative thinking and setting realistic targets to achieve our goals. We are committed to upholding the highest standards of governance and transparent reporting in our daily operations.
Our management team
Enoo Mutaku Salt Refinery is driven by our 4 working directors, collectively they accumulate more than 50 years of work experience and contribute immensely to the running of the company. They are involved in the business development, management and administration of the company.
The management team proactively gathers feedback, identifies changes and communicates key learning points and company policy to staff at regular meetings.